Crystals for Heart Chakra

What Is The Heart Chakra Responsible For?

The heart chakra is the chakra that governs feelings of love, compassion and generosity. It is a powerful chakra that governs how we feel about relationships and the depth of love that we are able to give and accept.

The heart chakra is represented by the color green. Every chakra has an element and the heart chakra is governed by air or vayu.

The word Anahata is synonymous with the phrase “an unstruck sound”. The phrase is very significant because almost every sound in the universe is created when two objects strike together. Take for example the sound of a hand beating a drum or a bow running across the strings of a violin. The sound is created by two separate bodies coming in contact with each other. However the heart chakra resonates in and by itself.

In western literature, love is usually represented by two people coming together. However this is not always the case. Eastern philosophy gives space for love to be defined as an aura, or a flowing energy that emanates from people. It is possible to be in a state of love with one’s own self, and love in the romantic and platonic sense can only be truly healthy when it comes from a place that is already supported by self love.

There are a number of healing crystals for the heart chakra that can be used to cleanse it and make it stronger. We will get into more details regarding this later in the blog. First let us get a clearer understanding of what the heart chakra is and how it can be opened.

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